Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Haunting Reminder

You keep me close
just to knock me down
and as I struggle
to get to my feet
You kick me in my gut
I curl up in ball
and roll over
The bottom of your shoe
on my face
I know what it tastes like
I have licked it before
Your words punch me
like the fists of a great heavyweight
Tears fill my eyes
and run down my dirty face
I vomit blood
and You are angry
that I made a mess
all over your nice, clean floor
All that remains
is a stain
that won't come clean
Not even with bleach
Take the chalk
and draw an outline of my body
I am dead
You killed me
And as I leave my body

and look at myself
I vow to never leave your side
I will be with you for eternity
You will never be able to run fast enough
or far enough to escape me
When you close your eyes,
you will see me
When you open your eyes,
you will see me
I will be in the rearview mirror
I will be in your dreams
I will be in your thoughts
I will be the person sitting across from you at the dinner table
You will hear me
I will whisper in your ear
I will be the song on the radio
I will be reason you can't sleep
I will be knot in you stomach
the lump in your throat

I will be with you....


Sunday, March 16, 2008


(Because you have to look)

screeching tires
metal on metal
glass breaking
what happened?
the last thing I remember
was wishing I was somewhere else
singing a song on the radio
Hall & Oates
Kiss Is On My List
I let myself be distracted
one hand on the wheel
the other rubbing my neck
or playing with my hair
thinking of how easy it would be
to run away
to do a wide eyed suicide drive
to disappear forever
what happened?
I don't remember.
I hear sirens
and people talking.
I can't make out what they are saying.
Can't focus.
Oh my God, is someone hurt?
I hear screaming
the most awful terrifying screams.
Please, someone help her.
She's saying, "No, no...not my baby!"
That's so sad
I'm cold
this ground is so cold
Why won't someone talk to me?
Where am I?
Couldn't they at least bring me a blanket?
am I hurt?
I don't feel like I'm hurt
surely that ambulance isn't for me
I can't wait to get home
someone will be here to get me in just a minute
I have so many things to do tomorrow
can't wait
I am going to fix everything
they are finally bringing me a blanket
No, don't cover my face!
what are you doing?




Oh my God, what have I done? Please forgive me.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Told You So

Be careful when you touch me
I will cling to you like a stain
I'll slice you like a razorblade
and make you scream from the pain

Don't bother wasting time on me
I'm shattered and I'm broken
How can you put me back together
When you don't even know me.

I'm not saying this to hurt you
although honesty often does
You think you see right through me
but I'm as clear as mud

I will only let you hold
the pieces I don't need
I save the sharp ones for myself
and use them to make me bleed

See I warned you not to get to close
I'll ruin your favorite shirt
You can't cease the blood flow
for someone who likes to hurt

So now I'm on your clothes
and your hands are rusty red
Don't say I didn't warn you
You should have listened to what I said

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Butterfly wings
Bumble bees
Birds tweet and chirp
Dogs rolling in the grass
My back door opening and closing
Headphones blaring
Skin becoming pink from the sun
Flip flops
Ice melting in my glass
Wasps buzzing
Blooms and blossoms
Windows rolled down
Back porch barbecues
Resting in the hammock
Bass fishing
Four wheeler trails back dirt roads
Climbing fences
Children playing outside until dark
Hiding a bouquet of flowers behind your back wanting to surprise your mama
Catching bugs
Picking up rocks

A new beginning for all......

Baby girl, this is the time of year that I miss you the most. Oh how you loved the outdoors. Grandma would let you pick every last flower in her yard. Ladybugs and rollie pollies. You saw the beauty in every living thing. I can still see you standing at my door...the bluest eyes, the blondest hair, the sweetest smile, the purest heart. I miss you. Every single day that goes by, I miss you. But I know, that you walk beside me and with me throughout my life. You are my little angel.