Sunday, January 11, 2009

Forced Entry

The Re-Opening

It hurts like hell to open up and use this paper and this pen
because the words seem to slice
and cut
and tear
like a rusty razorblade across my skin

I'm hoping to unleash them,
let them flow,
let them scream,
and let them shout
but no matter how many times I write it down,
it's never,
deep enough
to completely bleed it out

Monday, January 5, 2009

Out With The Seriously Fucked Up, And In With The.....

I remember now.

It wasn't all good. In fact, some of it just plain sucked ass. You never ever treated me the way I should have been treated, the way I deserved to be treated. You made me feel like shit. You walked all over me and took me for granted. You used me and when you were done, you threw me away.


Only because I let you.

And I still wonder about you...

Yeah, I do. I'll admit it. Do you think about me at all?

But, mainly, I guess...

I think about her. Do you call her "Baby"? Does she know that you hate mushrooms, Days of Our Lives, and pretty much anything that she will ever like? Does she know that you will do your best to make her feel like the most insignificant being on the planet all while claiming to be her best friend? Does she know that she will never be able to love you enough? Does she know that she can give all of herself and it will never be enough?

Or is she silly and just hard-headed enough to think that she could be the one that changes you, changes everything?

It's funny.

I almost feel sorry for her.

Know what's funnier?

I should have felt sorry for me.

Know what's even funnier than that?

I really feel sorry for you.

You see, I can do better. I can still find someone to love me the way I should have been loved. You, on the other hand, have only one way to go from here.

And "Baby", it ain't up.

They say....(who the fuck is "they" anyways) there are many stages that you have to go through when getting over someone.

Guess which stage this is...