Friday, April 24, 2009

a bout and about

my box of 72 colored pencils and book full of empty pages

sour kisses and sour cherries

llamas that eat hands

a bulldog named beefy (tomorrow it will be meaty)

my new quilt

90 degrees


improv (making this shit up as i stumble along)

baby ruthless aka his newest muse

the color blue

figuring it all out

realizing i was wrong

realizing i was wrong about being wrong

realizing i was right

realizing i forgot what it was that i was right about being wrong about

pink lemonade

butter crunch

silly dreams


dirt roads

laughing at (everything)


dirty girls


New Again


people who hate spoons

t-shirts (I'm bored of cheap and cheerful)

starfish, snowmen, and bridges


sunsets (early ones and the ones for muggings)

writing my own songs

singing them to nobody but myself

and then, forgetting the words

going places

getting lost on purpose

writing crap poetry on the slight offchance that someone might not find it so crappy


arguing with myself and knowing that one of us will always end up winning
or losing

double knots

double dares

flip flops and messy hair

the smell of a suntan

having no a/c and riding with my hand dangling out the window

wondering why

wondering how

wondering who

wondering where

wondering when

wondering what (the fuck)


switching gears

changing lanes

crossword puzzles at 4:30

the time (right before and right after and every second in between)

blinking and almost missing it all

catching my breath

twirling my hair

being scared shitless but doing it anway

knowing (or hoping) that i'll be cool to my nephew for at least another 2 years

trying not to take anyone or anything for granted

learning (always)

having the best of times at the worst of times with the best(est) of friends

(new, clean, clear, huge, wide open, dark, vast) space(s) (travel, cadets, man)

lists within lists within lists


imaginary real life

daydreaming at night and sleepwalking during the day

clearing up misconceptions and clutter

using the same styrofoam cup until it leaks (or at least until i think the mold is going to kill me)

scoring concert tickets

jack (white, daniels)

striking the match

watching it burn

throwing gasoline on the fire

stopping dropping and rolling before it consumes me (just in time)

drifting off to sleep while sitting here


standing my ground (in quicksand)

choking on my own words

hacking them up to form a mess that (sort of, kind of, almost) resembles a blog

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Soap Scum

Something silly that stupidly stuck.

You know how you try really hard to wash shit away. Take, for instance, a very nice long, scalding hot, bubble bath. Oh, it's soothing, oh how it's cleansing, but when you get out of the tub, you're left with a dull nasty ass ring. Hmmm, unpleasant, but you'll get to that on Saturday. So, another night, another bath and so on and so forth. You get "cleaner", but the tub gets nastier, right? Okay, so by Saturday it's so freakin' fucking filthy that you have to clean it or you might as well go head first into the point of no return, a tub so disgusting that no industrial strength cleaner would do the job. Might as well just buy a new tub, but you're not quite to that point, yet, so, on your hands and knees and because you're arms are just a touch too short you climb in the tub to do the scrubbing. You try all sorts of new kick-ass cleaning products. You're a sucker for anything. The layers are so thick you can scrape it off with a knife. You do a reasonable job. The tub is now clean and safe for bathing again.

Until next weekend, when you'll be on your hands and knees doing the same shit with the same fucking sponge inhaling the same stupid chemicals.

It's funny, or maybe it isn't and maybe I'm just crazy or different or maybe I think way to much and draw a relation and a correlation where there is none, but I think that tub is a lot like me. See, the same thing happens, night after night, day after day. I scrub. I wash. I use all the newest prettiest smelling supposed to be the cleanest gettingest soap you can buy, but no matter what, I am always dirty.

Right now, there's a layer on me that I can scrape away, but there's another layer that I'm never able to get to.

It won't stop me from trying though.

How about you?

Are you scared of what you might find underneath?