Monday, September 24, 2007

Let's Go Back to the Beginning of the Middle of Day

This all started innocently for me on buzznet. There I found Loveman's blog and the rest is blog history. People have been begging me to create my own blog so here it is. I'm no writer. Hell, I've never even kept a journal or a diary. Not in last 20 years anyway. The last diary I had was pink and I must have been around 8 years old. I didn't write in it buy maybe 3 times. I suppose my trust issues existed even back then. I mean what could an 8 year old have to say that would have been so secret??

Anyways, here I am. Now that you guys have called me out. I'm gonna give this a try and let's see how much I really have to say. This has been great fun meeting all of you and finding out there are people out there kinda like me. This has been the best therapy ever.

My thoughts run deep and dark. I will analyze the hell out of any situation. I love to argue different points of view. When I love, I love hard and forever. I'm pretty fucked up you could say. But hell, I wouldn't have it any other way.

P.S. Smoke&Venom20, Sister Midnite, Ergoproxy, Kapunua, Bleeding Chaos, and all my Anon Friends: You guys can play kickball in my blog any day! Special Treats for all!


Smoke said...

YAY! Kickball at Dr. Nut's Blog!

BTW - Who were you so afraid of reading your diary when you were 8 years old? Hmmmmm.

Personally, Princess Smoke&Venom20 is a little pissed off today. Partly because I'm at work and am supposed to be actually working, and partly because Mayo sucks. I am starting to think he thinks it's all a joke. Well, Mayo, I'm not laughing.

Anonymous said...

*kicks a few balls here and there*

Hi, sdock10, ILY even though we've only spoken a few times. Sharpie, sparkling cider, wedding, y/n?

soulconnector said...

i dont play kickball (too fast for me) but i will watch with amusement from the sidelines.

and of course wait to read what you say to mayonaise

sdock10 said...

Of course Kapunua...yes on the wedding, no to the cider....I've never claimed to be sober!! I will write messages to you on my neck with pleasure...but can I use a different color? Black is so summer 2007! How about red?

Anonymous said...

What, no PINK? Well, okay, just as long as you will wear a matching, uhh, headband or something.

I can do a backbend. Can you rip your jeans and stuff your hand down them in front of thousands of people? I just want to make sure I know what I'm getting into here, because this is a big commitment and I'm cautious like that.

veritavenom said...

Hi sdock10.

Did you know that fankiddies thought you were Gerard for a long time? You even made it into some fanfics. TOo funny.

sdock10 said...

Hey Verita,

I never understood why they thought I was Gerard. I'm sure Gerard would find that funny as well. He probably thinks he sounds nothing like me. I just write from my heart (my little black heart). That's all I ever tried to do. And I guess something inside me always thought I needed to speak from a different point of view. Not to defend Gerard, but to argue with Loveman. I do know what it's like to be insecure and uncomfortable in your own skin...but, hell, in light of recent events it seems Gerard doesn't need anyone sticking up for him. He's got his own back apparently. And I also believe that Loveman is someone closer than some might want to believe. (Just a theory of many.) So now I sit and wait. I've been here since this shit started and I'll see it through until it stops (or blows up) whichever comes first.

You take care of yourself lurking in the shadows my friend.

sister midnite said...

New kickball game - awesome! :)

If Mayo contradicts himself anymore, I'm going to ask him if he's on crack.Maybe he's pissed because his blog isn't all about him anymore. Oops - sooooo sorry!

but, hell, in light of recent events it seems Gerard doesn't need anyone sticking up for him. He's got his own back apparently.

When he doesn't have his head up his own ego, you mean? Between 'Little G' and Little Miss Backbend, he's invincible, didn't you know?

Anonymous said...

If Mayo contradicts himself anymore, I'm going to ask him if he's on crack.Maybe he's pissed because his blog isn't all about him anymore. Oops - sooooo sorry!

I prefer that that would occur. Mayo seems to be one of anxiety and when his control falters or fails him, the cracks will be exposed one by one. Hi there sdock10!