Friday, September 28, 2007

Running From the Predators

You listen the way a child listens. In defiance with hands over ears and eyes closed. On the verge of throwing a temper tantrum and running from the punishment. Bargaining and shifting blame. Broken promises. Making deals with the devil. Contract signed, sealed, and delivered in blood. Is it your blood or that which you have sucked from others? Some veins have been bled dry.

Don't worry about keeping up. I can still see you way back there. Not really trying. Do you want me to go back for you? Do you want me to wait? Of course not, you like walking alone. I'll see you at the finish line, my friend.

P.S. There still might be a chance afterall.


soulconnector said...

(((Is it your blood or that which you have sucked from others?)))

I like that sentence,it applies to so many.

sdock10 said...

I speak from experience because I know what it is like to have people constantly draining you...your mind, you soul, your energy, your blood. It's a damn wonder I have anything left at all!

Price I pay to be the enabler that I am.

soulconnector said...

at least you are aware of being an enabler

you must have changed some..for you dont appear to take shit from anyone

sdock10 said...

Oh I think I'm just good at hiding the shit I take and then using it as ammunition.

soulconnector said...

ahh..good to know
mighty impressive

sister midnite said...

Sdock10, you don't give yourself enough credit for the strength you have within you. We're *all* enablers, or we have been at at least one point in our lives. It's a lose-lose situation: do you lose yourself and take on the pain of others, or do you become so numb & bitter that you couldn't be bothered to give a shit?

It's not easy, regardless of what road you follow. Don't beat yourself up over it.

Claudia V said...

you've gotten the mayonaise style down pat, eh?

oh, im just kidding.

you move in ways that escape me,
too bad i hate perfect grammar.
and vocab.
simple words put things in better ways.
complications drain my soul.
i have enough to last a lifetime.

Anonymous said...

sdock, have you read this?

sdock10 said...


I have read that. Pretty interesting.

Claudia V said...

Hey.. that blog.. it's gone. Typico.