Monday, October 8, 2007

Confessions & Ramblings of an Enabler

It is true that sometimes I start relationships with people because I think I hold the missing piece...pieces or peace. Like my relationship with you......I hate for you to feel alone and I want to surround you with protection. I stay near you because I like the feeling of being needed. I will show you that people can give of themselves unselfishly. I will love you unconditionally and expect nothing in return. I will hand you my heart and let you use it until you can trust your own again. I hope this will show you that you are deserving of love......real love. I know that you are just as passionate and hard working as I am. Right now, you are selling yourself short, but you are capable of so much more...things that you have only dreamed about. We can turn them into reality.

However, I can only show you what's missing. I can NOT complete you. We're all insecure. That doesn't make you awkward, that makes you HUMAN. It's time for you to take that painful look at yourself. To be delivered from evil, you must come face to face with the devil in the mirror. It might be the longest and hardest battle you have ever fought, but you can do this. I will stand beside you every step of the way and help you find the strength. It's in there....I promise. You might be shocked at what you find within yourself so don't be afraid to look. Kill those by one.

P.S. We all have our roles to, can I have my heart back when you're done?


Andrea said...

I've been both the enabler and the enablee in different friendships and relationships, so I can totally relate to this. Very insightful, sdock10.

sister midnite said...

Sdock10, have a first-aid kit on hand for when your heart is returned to you. You may need it. *hugz*

Anonymous said...

You call this a relationship?!

sdock10 said...

Thanks Andrea and Co-Capt. Midnite...You guys are great. I'm working on that first-aid kit. Me being the trainer for the NutBusters, I'm sure I can patch myself back together.

To Anon:

It is what it is...or is it?
No! It is what I want, what I need it to be...nothing more, nothing less. How do you define your relationships?

Anonymous said...

I used to get that way, too. It's why I backed off from the whole "relationship" thing for such a long time. Do you find that you tend to look for "fixer-uppers", that need to feel needed? Gah, I've been there.

I've always meant to ask you, sdock10... what, exactly, is an sdock10? ^_^