Saturday, October 13, 2007

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Let's use the good china!

Are you finally coming to terms with something that happened to you in your past? Did you have to pretend that everything was fine and normal all the time? Does it now make you angry that you were forced to play that game? You have to deal with this now! You need to confront it, fix it, and throw the rest of this bullshit away. If you don't, it will fucking destroy you. You will never be able to breathe deeply and exhale. It will continue to haunt you FOREVER! Admit it, Acknowledge it, Release it....Let it fucking go. Bad things happened to you, but they don't have to define you.

Pride goes down better with a dose of humility.

p.s. Call me next time and I'll help you set the table. I'll bring some empathy for dessert.


Anonymous said...

Sdock10, i believe we are right about mayo and maybe he is trying cope with it now, it seems that way to me.
What do you think?

sister midnite said...

ILU, Dr. Nut. :)
Your insights are always a great read.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sdock10, thought i would write, as I'm bored to death, and have a little time on my hands, thought i would tell you about what i feel we hit on with mayo.
I come from a small family, on the outside a normal family on the inside not so normal.
Being small i was screamed at, called names, i felt worthless and all this was before i was even 6 years old.
Abuse is a big word, and comes in a lot of packages, some small, not worth opening, then there are some wrapped in bright colors and a big bows, full of shit that you never want to open up, just let it set there on the table and look at it. For with out opening it, its just a pretty box with a big bow, setting on a table.
But with out opening it, it sets there and someone sees it and ask questions, " whats in the Box"
you can never get away from it, people will all ways wonder and ask questions.
Till one day you will have to decide to open the box, spill out all that is inside, and look at what is left, ripped up paper, a tattered bow and a empty box, will it be worth it, yes, sad but worth it.
A box that was so beautifully decorated and so tightly wrapped, now sets in a pile ready for the trash.
Maybe he is ready, lets hope so!

sdock10 said...


I really hope he is ready to face this, but something tells me that he's still trying to fight it. You are so right about abuse....there are so many forms. It's a real wonder that any of us grow up to be somewhat functional adults. But there comes a day when you either accept it and move on or you decide to let it destroy you and own you.

Let's hope he can confront and conquer.

Sis Midnite,

ILU2, sorry we keep missing each other in the kickball game, but that blog is so crowded now. We may have to find another location.

Anonymous said...

I had to wait till all had passed away.
Out of fear i never talked about it, not because i might get beat or shamed for it, but out of respect, a big word respect, i still loved my family, and did not want to hurt them back, it was only after they passed away did i face the truth.
He maybe going threw the respect thing with his own family, its hard to deal with both at the same time, wanting to let it out and at the same time not wanting to hurt anyone.

indian myths said...

nice blog
do u do such thing in real life...???

sdock10 said...

Yes pj, there are many reasons why he would hold everything back and not confront things. It could be fear, it could be denial, it could be shame...or a combination. I know there are things in my past that I don't talk about much because of fear and shame. Not fear for my life, but fear that people will think I'm crazy or something.

I am really thankful that I found these blogs. It started out as something else for me but has turned into very good therapy.

There are some amazing people here.

nirmal, what are you asking me? do i do what in real life?

Jennicula said...

Anonymous seems to be right. But, what if you only just discovered this "box?" It looks familiar, smells familiar, but you don't ever remember getting it. So, you open it and you find that Pandora's name is on the card.

Opening this box is scary for anyone, but dealing with it in the public eye is a whole 'nother problem.

I just kick my brightly wrapped present back under the bed when it starts to sneak out.