Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Never Too Late

No, it's not too late. As long as your heart still beats and you are living and breathing, you CAN fix this. Throw your pride out the fucking window. This is so NOT about who's right and who's wrong. Talk to them. Pick up your fucking phone and call them. Choke back that smug fucking attitude and wipe that stupid smirk off your face. Try on some sincerity and humility for once. Say you're sorry and that you've fucked up. I'll bet you a sharpie that they'll listen and that they'll forgive you. These are your friends. They're not trying to keep you from being happy, but they don't want to watch you kill yourself. Tell them everything. Tell them you want to stop. Tell them you're tired of the way things are. Tell them need their help. Tell them you can't do it by yourself.

Turn to the one who is closest to you and hold her. Trust her. Love her like she has never been loved before. Give her all of you, not just the parts she fell in love with. Have the kind of romance that people dream of having. Treat her differently than the others. Be the best to her. Be the best for yourself.

Apologize to your family for taking them for granted. You only get one and no matter what they've done to you or what you've done to them, they will always be your family. Make them proud. Be an example for your younger brother. Be his hero. Help your mother dry her tears for you. Go see her. Let her know you are going to be ok.

And finally, when you get up on that stage again, take a look around. Take yourself back to being that kid in the crowd. Memorize the faces of those who sing your songs back to you. Those are real people with real feelings. Don't take that power lightly. You don't have to be a hero just be yourself. Sign more autographs. Smile more. Shake their hands and TALK to them. It takes so little and it means so much.

There's still time.

P.S. You need batteries.


Anonymous said...

Nice blog. :)

sister midnite said...

Nicely put. The romance part, however... sorry, I just don't see it happening. Has he ever shown his entire self to anyone?

sdock10 said...

No, you're right he never has. Shit, I just wish this time would be different. Even if it is with her.

sister midnite said...

I don't know if you read palms at all, but the heartline of his right palm shows problems in the romance area. (No, I'm not obsessed; I just tend to notice these things. I'd love to read his Tarot cards, too.) There's a break in his heartline, too; you don't have to be an astrologer to see what that could mean...

sdock10 said...

Damn, I wish you could read my palms....or maybe not.

Anonymous said...

Excellent blog - I wish, I hope this would get to the one who needs it so badly!!!

Anonymous said...

Not sure that Lyn Z should be the one he's holding onto since she seems to be his drinking buddy these days. Lots of people saw them at a party drinking to the point of drunkenness last week so uhh, I disagree with that part but the rest, I agree. :D

sdock10 said...

I know the way it looks right now with Lyn-z but that doesn't stop me from hoping that it could be different. Maybe they are in love, not saying it's the healthiest of loves. Hell, but what love is? I sure want to believe that they got married for at least some of the right reasons and not because they like to share in the same extracurricular activities.

sister midnite said...

I wish I could believe that too, Sdock10. These days, though, people get married for any reason you can imagine -- boredom, loneliness, co-dependency, etc. I often wonder if anyone gets married for love anymore.

I'm sorry, but I still find it impossible to believe that it's possible to find lasting love with someone you've only dated for seven weeks. I was with my ex-fiance for three and a half years, and love wasn't enough for the relationship to survive.

Who knows, maybe he'll prove me wrong.

Andrea said...

Good, meaningful advice, sdock10. I hope he follows it.