Thursday, October 25, 2007

Roll On Roller Coaster, Roll On....

...and On, and On, and What the F...?

My darling, I have not addressed you since the morning after FF2007. I hope all is coming up roses in your world and that your mood has not turned sour again. Me? Well, my mood seems to turn sour at least 16 times a day but that is what makes the sweet parts so much sweeter. Don't you agree? You have to go through the shit just so you can appreciate the good times...however, that doesn't mean we always have to treat people like shit. I'm still working on that last part....some people make it so damn hard to be nice to them. Oh well, Can't be great at everything. We will continue the constant inner battle with our demons and keep on keeping on. Moods will change as quickly as the Santa Ana winds. Of that much ,I am sure. But I am learning to accept my roller coaster of emotions...I hang on and enjoy the ride. It does have a tendancy to make everyone else nervous though. Awwh come on people, join us for the ride....Won't you? It's bound to get more interesting than this. Anticipation is the best part...that and the feeling you get in your stomach when you are flying down that hill. You know the one...where your stomach and heart feel like they are coming out of your throat! Whooosh! Hold on tight and don't close your eyes....You'll miss the best part!

Love to you always,

p.s. Scream


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the kind words.

I've been in rapture for two months from your keen insights and daft use of the English language.

How I am all too well acquainted with Fickle Emotion. I am at a point in my life now where I can luckily kick the bitch out of my car and pick up Sweet Joy and Ecstasy for weeks, even months now. But somehow, no matter what ditch I leave her in, blind folded and duct taped up, she always finds a way home for at least a few days, occasionally.

Generally tends to show up with old friends of mine but lately, once they leave, she gets the hint and leaves, too.

Kick her out, Sdock. You deserve so much better.

I see they're playing a game of kickball. If you don't see me there, have fun!

Anonymous said...


The absolute best part of my night last night was when you did that covert little whisper to that invisible enemy.

When you allowed yourself to say, fuck off.

I died that moment. I experienced a little bit of what Heaven will be like.

Know my hand is always extended for the holding.

Know my tiny soft vulnerable heart makes a great pillow for your weary head.

Know there's always a place for you at the table.

Anonymous said...


Tonight we're having a wonderful time making a mess of Mayo's house.

And all the time that we've been trashing it, I've been thinking how much I want you there.

But know you were on my mind whilst it happened.

I hope you are safe wherever you are.