Monday, October 15, 2007

Time? Are You Ready to Punch In or Out?

Now that you have opened your ears and listened to us, could you open your eyes and look at us? Please turn around and let us see you. I want you to see me. I'm the one holding the flashlight for you so you can see your way down this path. I don't want you to do it alone and in the dark. I started this journey with you and I will not leave until you reach your destination. Beware, this will not be an easy path. We will encounter monsters, demons, liars, imposters, but don't be scared. If you continue to look ahead, you will see that your path is lined with all kinds of people. People who are ready to do battle for you. Are some of the faces familiar ones? Some will be people you've probably forgotten...some will be people you are surprised to see. Some will try to make you choose another path...some will try to stand in your way. Some will tell you to turn around.......Now, for all the right answers, you must open something else. Do you remember what that is? OK, I'll tell's your heart. Are you ready?

So here we go...I've got on my best pair of walking shoes. Bring a jacket, it might get chilly. Let's do this shit.

P.S. and Some do it for no reason at all.


sister midnite said...

Great blog, as always. :)
I'd be happy to help admin discussmayo! Both email & IM are in my profile.

*hugz* In case you need them!

Anonymous said...

sdock10, on his last post i had dared him to post a post telling if where on the right track, i guess i got my answer.
Cool that he is paying attention.

Original Punk J said...


This was one of the best posts we had seen on the Mayo blog. It was so heartfelt and well written. Hopefully the path will take him down the right way, and he will have the people he needs by his side. We will walk with you holding a candle, lantern or jar of lightning bugs if we have to.

Take care,
L. and J.

sdock10 said...

Sister Midnite,

Thanks for always making me smile. You know what you mean to me and to the kickball team and thanks for always coming to visit.


I think we might finally be beginning to scratch the surface. And I agree, he's definitely paying attention. Now, we sit and wait to see what really means.

Original Punks,

I am thrilled you stopped by. Thanks for you kind words. I always read your messages to Mayo. Writing from the heart is the only way that I know how to write. It's hard because I never want to sound like I am preaching or judging or being insincere. I certainly do try really hard, but if it come off as well written that is totally by accident. I just want him to feel it when he reads it.

I look forward to us walking this path together.

Take care and come by again.