Monday, November 5, 2007

Let the Countdown Begin, 10, 9, 8, 7.......

Are you wearing the appropriate safety gear?

Do you ever feel like your emotions are just about to get the better of you? Today is one of those days for me. I suppose it really started last night when the one closest to me (as in right next to me in my bed) gave me a good ass chewing for reasons only he knows. Now, I feel everything stirring like acid boiling my insides and razor blades tearing at my skin. I'm trying so hard not to let it all spill forth. That could be so terribly messy, but things are bound to blow up eventually. The funny thing is that I'm comforted by these feelings. So familiar...the only ones I truly recognize. The ones that let me know I'm still alive.

Can we talk about fire one more time? I found a little something that you might like. Not a well known poem, but I think it fits.

The Boy with Fire in His Eyes

The boy with fire in his eyes
Stands there waiting.
It is his soul inside;
It keeps him standing.

And if ever the fire goes out,
He will freeze in the cold.
It is his heat
And all that keeps him living.

Or if it never is put to use,
It will consume him;
He will burn to the ground
His ashes left behind.

But if the fire blazes,
If kindled, kept and carried,
If the boy with fire in his eyes
Finds life inside that fire,

His fire will light the world,
Will pierce the mist,
A fire to drive the dark away
Forever and ever more.

Daniel Nairn
(Thanks Daniel for letting me borrow without asking.)

Crazy how fire is just like love, isn't it? It can grow uncontrollably or fade away. Provide you warmth and fill your heart or burn the shit out of you and leave you fighting to survive.
I hope you are finding all it is that you need today. Me? I'm still searching for something to fill an empty space....something to complete me.

Love to You Always,

p.s. Explosions sure make pretty fireworks....


sister midnite said...

Sdock, I feel like this almost *every* damn day of my life. If it isn't one emotion, it's another.

Feelings are a double-edged sword, my friend... while they're letting you know you're alive, they're chewing away at your insides, screaming to be let out. The dilemma continues if you allow them to surface; are you prepared to take that risk?

I love this poem, and I can see our Mayo in it. I hope to God that he keeps that fire burning.

*HUGZ* Love ya, sister-of-the-soul!

Anonymous said...

I can't seem to get over this poem. Some things just stick with you, and this is one of them.

Sdock, I know there's fire in your eyes, too. You will conquer everything you set out to do. I can feel it in your words.

I appreciate you being here. I always enjoy everything you have to say because I can feel it coming from the deepest, darkest, blackest corner of your heart. I feel it, too.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Sdock,

The most frustrating truth of all is that you will never gain a feeling of completion from an external source. That must be generated from within.

And damn, if it isn't the damndest thing to accomplish.

But I know of someone who sounds like she's ready.


P.S. I have a gift on the way for you. Don't off yourself any time soon.

soulconnector said...

(((p.s. Explosions sure make pretty fireworks....)))

yeah, explosions are so more exciting than those wimpy ass sparklers.What the hell fun is that?

I agree with ignatia x,no damn offing

gnothi seauton said...

Sdock, So sorry I didn't reply to your lovely post, I've only just seen it, I don't check my blog everyday :\

Love's a bitch isn't it, it looks like we are both in the same place.

Here for each other yeah?

Let's crack open that tub of coconut ice-cream and inhale this shit very deeply.

We'll sit in the deep, dark corner together.

Love to you always :)

Anonymous said...

I hope this works.

For you and only you.

Anonymous said...

We're going to get married.

No ifs, and's or buts.

I know (as my friend says) I'm lacking the proper "equipment" for a heterosexual female but I can do everything else quite well.

I have a knight in shining armor complex and I am far more a gay gentleman than I ever was a woman.

I left you some cigarettes on the blog but here's another pack, a rainbow zippo lighter and a rope to tie about your waist as we fly home.

(You don't have to marry me if you don't really want to. But I would still love to cradle and rock you)

Anonymous said...


I brought a big black and red comforter for us to cuddle and rock in.

Don't worry, I'm a gentleman.

At the moment, I'm "taking care" of a silly vicious Anon over at Mayo's. I think I scared the poor thing off.

I'll have to go looking for a ring? You like opal?

Anonymous said...

Sdock, I honestly felt bashful back there in that blog.

I'm glad I can provoke such a forceful reaction in you, my lovely dear.

Anything I'm capable of, I would love to do for you.

Anonymous said...

I saw you're having a bout of insomnia.

That worrisome cow, sometimes my greatest friend, mostly my worst enemy.

No need to thank me. I am just so glad I met you.

I hope you sleep. I shall soon attempt to do so myself and dream of opals and luminous destiny coming to dock at our shores.

I'm glad I'll always be your little Sparkles. Cigarette time.

Gentle Sparkle Vengeance

gnothi seauton said...

You okay sugar? Let me know if you need someone to talk to. Stay strong.

Peace and love.