Sunday, March 9, 2008

Told You So

Be careful when you touch me
I will cling to you like a stain
I'll slice you like a razorblade
and make you scream from the pain

Don't bother wasting time on me
I'm shattered and I'm broken
How can you put me back together
When you don't even know me.

I'm not saying this to hurt you
although honesty often does
You think you see right through me
but I'm as clear as mud

I will only let you hold
the pieces I don't need
I save the sharp ones for myself
and use them to make me bleed

See I warned you not to get to close
I'll ruin your favorite shirt
You can't cease the blood flow
for someone who likes to hurt

So now I'm on your clothes
and your hands are rusty red
Don't say I didn't warn you
You should have listened to what I said


Anonymous said...

I listened and I did so anyway.

I know, hard to conceive of such a concept.

I mean, if you puked on me I'd have to get up for a moment to take a bath.

But blood has never bothered me.

Spilled enough of my own to fill the Adriatic Seas.

So bleed away, my love.

Anonymous said...

How do you do it, Sdock?

It amazes me how some people have an uncanny ability to put into words their feelings. And not only that, have the person on the receiving in feel what you're feeling just by reading your words.

I wish he knew, Sdock.

I really wish he saw what we all see and what your sister sees.

anima said...

Solly, you just made my day. Truly.

And I agree with Mustard, some people amaze me with their words (Mustard, you are one of them too) and I long to express myself in that way. I have over 20 journals from over 15 years...and well, there isn't much worth in my writings. I recall the moments vaguely, yet I know I was screaming from the inside - unable to accurately describe the scene. All of it lacked depth of what was really going in my life.

But regardless, they were my tool. And they were only for me (thank god, there wasn't Blogger back then...fuck I would have sounded like an idiot).

Keep writing Solly, keep expressing all of this. As mentioned above in much better words than my own "so bleed away, my love."

Thank you for sharing yourself with me, with all of us. It is a gift to know you.

♥ you so much,

Anonymous said...

I do wear myself out. I'm at fault.

Before, I knew that it was pretty much just me in this whole game. I knew if I needed someone, they would be there.

But now, today actually, I realized that it really is just me. I know I have you guys, but it's really different, you know? There's just this huge seperation that I can do nothing about now.

So, add all of that on already-there feelings, and it seems to make it worse.

And now I'm not sure really why I wrote all of that, because I came to tell you that I'm sorry you're lonely and that you don't feel loved.

I always told myself I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I wouldn't want this to happen to anybody.

I'm just sorry there's nothing I can do.

P.S. I really should proofread my things. Recieving END, not IN.

Anonymous said...

Before I sleep....

I made a promise awhile back and damned if I'm going to break it.

You requested another post. I obeyed. I just wanted to let you know.

Cold! Getting under three comforters now....

Mreow meowr!

Anonymous said...

i hate to see you struggle. i hate to see your pain.

but every time i read it, it makes me go insane.

not insane like van gogh or even jeffrey dahmer.

but insane as in, my admiration for you grows and becomes even stronger.

your struggles make me woeful, but secretly make me warm.

knowing you feel like me, i surrender to your charms.

sdock10 said...


Thank you doesn't seem like powerful enough words to give you in return, but it's all I have.

So, thank you.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say. I don't ever know what to say in this situation. Pretty sure I'd rather erase that shit right now than to face the humiliation of leaving it up.

That was a really fucked up time, and I thought I'd challenge myself to see if I could make it into a poem. So, I tried.

Funny thing is is that it's not done yet. It won't ever be done, but that part is.

Thank you, from the bottom of this stupid little beaty thing for being here and for seeing me through. Thank you for pushing me beyond where I could push myself.

And more than all of that, thank you for the walk.

Anonymous said...

I just needed to thank you again.

I promise to keep on trying to figure it out.

Anonymous said...

I think this is fabulous, Solly, but you already knew that. ^_^

Anonymous said...

I literally have, like, five minutes, before I have to run away back to my house, shower, clean some stuff.

What happened to those two hours a day I used to wait online? I suppose the break is necessary.

I miss you, beautiful. I hope spring has begun down South.

Gah! Thinking of how to contact everyone else simulataneously. Dammit....