Saturday, May 17, 2008

Identity Crisis

I know you
you think you know me
but do you
How can you be so sure?
You know
what I look like
the color of my hair
my eyes
my outside
You know
only the pieces
I let
And even those
that I create
to face
the outside world
that I never
look you in the eye
the clever way
I let my hair hang
the frumpy mess
of a wardrobe
Do you know
what lies
the lies
what lies
underneath it all?
Are you brave enough
to try
and find
the skin
the scars
the outer layer
that I think is bulletproof
and shatter resistant
is where
And I hold the power
in my hands
my hands
to either
let you in
or shut you out
to make it pretty
as ugly can be
or tear it all down
and the blood
will drip
and pool on the floor
and I will
take my hands
take my fingers
and write
the answer
the answer to the question
the question
that you've been dying
to know the anwer to......
Who am I?

If I only knew.....


Anonymous said...

Yo, here you are. I've been hunting for your blog all day. There's like eighty of them between you and Smoke. ^_^

ANyway I wanted to thank you, as always, for everything. For the chats, the emails, the positive thoughts, the whole shebang. ^_^ ♥

anima said...

Solly, would you be mad if I told you I have been there? What an awful feeling. My heart aches remembering what that was like and to think, someone I care about is going through it.

I feel like my words are lost. If there was only something I could say to help. I know it runs deep. I know that feeling...I know it like my best friend. Are there times that it comes rushing back? Yes, but I am surprised sometimes when I realize it's not that way anymore. It's the biggest burden that I was finally able to let go of. I don't know how long you have been feeling this way, but it's time to make changes. It's the only way. It's never too late. Ever. I know you can find a place where you can be you (even if you don't know who that is)...

Errr, I wish I could call you...I'm much better in person. Sorry I am not able to inspire you...I wish I could.

Just know that I care about you and I you are destined to be happy. It's will take time...but it's in you...

♥ ya.

MissTottenham said...

I wuv you. Blogland is so sad when you are quiet.

What can I do to make you smile again?

MissT wuvs her solly. Here is a glowstick to brighten you up.

MissTottenham said...

Thank you for your lovely words on my blog.

You always know how to make me smile.

I love you so much sweetie.

anima said...

Solly, I'm glad I got to talk to you last night. Sometimes I worry for no reason...It actually defines me in a way. I always think I've done something wrong or haven't done enough. I hate when I feel like that.

Thank you for being you. As I said, your friendship means a lot to me, more than I could ever say. ♥ you.

MissTottenham said...

Chin up sweetie, you know that we love you.

anima said...

Sending you smiles for your day.


♥ to you.

sister midnite said...


I'd love to tell you that you'll figure it out. And you will - except just as soon as you think you've come to an answer, another facet of your personality decides to make itself know.

I do know that I luvvs you, and that you're my friend. ♥♥♥

Anonymous said...

Just floating by. Saying hello, stranger.

Anonymous said...

p.s. Give it all away in hopes that I will back just enough in return to fill the empty spots.


Night, Sdock.

anima said...

Solly, I &heart; you. Always know that. I am sorry for the shit being spattered on the blog. Don't listen it.

Mustard, if you swing by here too, same to you sweetie. I tried to go to your blog, but there was nothing. :(

Take care you two. ♥

anima said...


'I ♥ you.'

redrum said...

Thanks for stopping by. Your words are wonderful, as always.

(And make sure you suck the poison out.)

anima said...

Solly, thank you. All I can say is that is has been a whirlwind kinda weekend. First, some good news, then not so good. WTF? So confused right now.

The surprise party for my parents was pretty good. They were quite surprised and we had an awesome time. However, I sense the change and it well, is just different. Still really loving and fun, but it has definitely changed. It's the one time that I feel like I can't breaks my heart.

How are things with you? You better be good or I will come by and kick your ass. Or....I will just hug you to pieces. You were in my dream again last night. Again, WTF?! Haha! So silly. In fact Lucy Lu and Fimble where there too. Some wierdo scenario that I could never explain. I wonder sometimes what the hell I am thinking!

Anywho, just know that I think about you too. [and in my dreams....creepy!]

&hearts to you. Hope things are going okay with you. You are a good and lovely person Solly, and I thank you for being a friend.

Nighty nite. :)

anima said...


I am seriously failing with the hearts this week...


Anonymous said...

Salutations Southern Belle!

I apologize for the alliteration but I gotta let it out occasionally or I break out in hives in public places.

That is, if you haven't fallen victim to any of the storms down there now that it's Tornado season.....

Eep. Neuroses charging up.

Please stop by when you have time and just let me know you're alive!

Thank you.

MissTottenham said...

Hi solly sweetie.

Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving me extra love and hugs. It really made me smile.

You are right, there is nothing better than sisters and I love mine so much.

Extra love and hugs right back attcha.

♥ ♥ ♥