Sunday, August 31, 2008

Drawing My Own Conclusions

Yes, I can have more than one.

No, I won't show you what they looked like.

Strangely enough, one resembled a doodle that I had drawn just the other day.

Now, go draw your own.

Go on.

You can wave your tracing paper in front of my face all day long and I still won't change my mind.

I'm stubborn like that.


Anonymous said...

I hope your conclusion was a good conclusion. :)

Sorry about being so quiet tonight. I sometimes don't really know what to say, you know? Because he was one of your loves, maybe the only one, I don't know, it's hard for me to say, "You have to forget him, and move on" even though that's really what I want to say. :)

You won't be able to forget him. He was a part of your life for a really long time, and you can't forget things like that.

But, I think it's up to you to decide whether or not you'd like him all the way back. Did he treat you well enough for you to offer him a second chance? Would things be the same or would they be worse? They can't be better, because it's impossible to forget.

I think you're on the right path right now, I really do. You have a wonderful family that supports you, a sister who would do anything for you and who would kick you in the ass if need be ;). A nephew that obviously adores you. Live this life for a while. See where it leads you.

The things that are meant to happen will happen.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for being my rope buddy.

resurrected wreck said...

Can I paint you green?

MissTottenham said...

Hiya solly. *looks under table and discovers another box of glowsticks*

Looks like we'll be OK for a while solly.

I ♥ you.

toujours said...

thank you for coming by, sdock. i don't even know why i wrote what i did last night, it was in the comment box and being published before i really had time to think...

in my heart i know we all fit here in blogbelieve, but my head says i've worn out my welcome. my head has the louder voice, too. :/

Jennicula said...

Socky, I'm glad you stopped by the other day. Here's a few thoughts I've been walking around with in my head:

1. good for you. I'm glad to hear you're doing something good for yourself.
2. You won't forget him. Don't forget him. That way when you look back, you'll see how far you've gone and that's a good thing.
3. I'm glad you're feeling better.
4. I miss you and the gang terribly.
5. xoxoxxo
6. I can't draw. I only doodle. And when I do, they're obscene stick figures. What does that tell ya?

Anonymous said...

i agree with jennicula. i have dated some real you-know-whats in the past and you know what i am talking about!

and, if we forget too much, we end up with the same kind of person we try to forget...

by the way, prudence mcprude is preggers! weird, ain't it?

Smoke said...


I seez you! O__O

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Solly. I honestly didn't know how many friends I would lose after revealing that much about my inner self. But if people can't take you as a complete whole, they can't ever be a really good friend, anyway, I suppose.

I hope the sleepover went well! I can't wait to hear all about it.

Anonymous said...

...Coming out of my mouth, the back of my throat, from my gut, my lips move and they tell me that I can't, they remind me that I won't ever.

And I'm right back where I started again.

I know, full stop.

And it's really hard when you, one day, have those voices telling you, "You just have to wait, everything will finally happen" and then the very next day it's "Dude. Face facts. There's just no way."

Those are the days that the voices get on my last fucking nerve, you know? Because you hope and you dream and you imagine and you conquer, but it's not ever good enough on those days. There are just some things that aren't meant to be.

I'm totally having TODD for myself today. I'm sorting this topic of death out on my own, and, yo, that shit's complicated! Wish you could have been there! It was a party!

You and Smoke be safe on your way back.

Anonymous said...

Solly, I can't thank you and Smoke enough for coming down here. I'm so glad we got to do this. You made my eyes rain, like, a lot. You are so funny and witty, and such a joy.

Oh man, I remember the "nun costume." *Facepalm*

Oh, oh! And I got a picture of "Please insert your finger!" Whoop whoop!

JocelynHolly said...


I misss you to the moon and back. Things have been hectic lately, with lots of homework and what not going on. I hope you are well! Thanks for the comment on my blog, I would've responded earlier but as I said, I've been bizzy.

- 007

farawaysoclose said...

hey solly!

i read your story regarding your niece at mayo's. so very very sad. heartbreaking. life can be so cruel.

how are you doing otherwise? things are real ugly at mayo's, i hate it, it makes me feel so uncomfortable. and i kinda feel sorry also for mayo for having all that hatred and venom on his blog.

anyway solly dick! take care of yourself and see you around.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry everything got so sucky. >_< You are so lovely. I know this first-hand.

Fimble Star said...

i only rock hard to certain music and if the mood is right ;)

rock it out baby and then rock it some more. you know the show tunes.

Anonymous said...


Okay, good. Still there.


MissTottenham said...

Now don't you go wandering without me while I'm gone sweetie.

Luv ya loads

Fimble Star said...

Of course i do, solly handy. What would it be if it were to be turned around?

MissTottenham said...

You're not lost solly sweetie, I can see you from here xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Both my husband and I went on a cruise around heaven. We sailed the blue seas and weaved between the white clouds.

It was a 7 day cruise but they kicked us out on the first night, we were too hot and saucy for heaven so we cruised the left side of hell.

Nothing better than home sweet home.