Thursday, August 14, 2008

Somewhere Between the Static and the Song

it comes and it goes
it ceases and it flows
it hides and it shows
from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows

You say, "What?"

I say, "Everything!"

We paddle, we swim, we fight, and we float to catch the wave and ride it for as long as we can (or as long as we have to, whatever the case may be).













The Static
The Song

And let's just leave it at that, shall we?

p.s. Are you a(MUSE)d?


Anonymous said...

That poem hit home with me. There seems to be a manic feel to things in life today. I will one day find the happy medium or balance, right?

sdock10 said...

Are you asking me? I'm the wrong person to answer that. Tonight, I say yes, absolutely you will, but tomorrow, I might tell you that we will drown trying.

See what I mean?

farawaysoclose said...

hello solly!!

nice words as always!

hope you are doing alright solly?!

thanks for your kind words re my little ones! they are sweethearts! but then i am biased!!

take care solly!

oh god i haven't sworn either!!


OK feeling better now!

MissTottenham said...

What do you man young lady, week 33 and you've done nothing.

You've moved away from the guy and that's the biggest and best thing you will do this year. Except maybe LEATHERMOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great time.

I ♥ you sweetie.

MissTottenham said...

man = mean of course. hee hee

Anonymous said...

Soooo, this is where, where the party is?

Let me throw another kink in your world.

What happens when the static is the song?

I maintain that no matter how hard we try to make our worlds not black and white, that's all there is. There's this or there's that.

The only gray area is in our brain, and you can take that any way you want.

There's only a "gray area" because we're too chicken-shit to admit to ourselves that it's either this way or that way, now or then, here or there, A or B.

But, that's just what I think. :)

I hope you're doing okay. Talk to you later!

Anonymous said...

And might I also add that I'm guilty of claiming there's a gray area even though I believe otherwise??? >.<

lewishasfallensloppydead said...

Wow. That was, just really something. I don't know how to say it. Wow Sdock. Wow. I hope you are feeling better? I only know a little of what happened, but let me say again -you are Better Off. Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't love you for you. It is hard enough to love ourselves, let alone have someone else in our face making us doubt what we feel, believe in, need. Fuck him! ;p

And thank youuuuu right back! I feel so close to everyone here, even if I am not around much. I think about you guys all the time. I wish blogbelieve was an actual physical place, I think it is an indescribable thing -to sit close with someone that may not completely understand you, but wants to and tries too. At the very least, in this unphysical place -you know that you are accepted and loved and appreciated. No one, ever, can take that from you.

So I just wanted to say hi really, and say I wish we could get to talk more. I feel like I miss out on so much. But it is nice to catch what I do of everyone. Thank you again, and drop me a note again sometime, please. love to you Sdock, l/d

Anonymous said...

Anytime, Sdock. Well, anytime I'm online, that is.

Ok, NO more rhyming. I get really annoying with that stuff.

Seriously, though. Just having met you and continue to have the pleasure of getting to know you is enough.

Anonymous said...

...But we are also aware enough to know that not everyone's dreams will come true.

So, maybe awareness is the problem. But, how can you not be aware? That would be impossible.

What I've decided?: Life is full of too many questions and not enough stability.

Yup yup! That's my decision. :)

See you around!

toujours said...

thank you for coming by my blog, sdock. i guess, just keep in mind that often there's a little ghostly me hanging up in the corner with the spiders, and give me a wave every once in awhile.

and do your best to hug frank after the show -- he's the best hugger ever.

JocelynHolly said...


RAWR<3 You're smiles, love and hugs are very much appreciated! I just want you to know... I'm not Wonder Woman dear!! lol. I don't know how I handle half the stuff I have been lately without driving myself insane... But anyways, I miss you Solly! I haven't gotten around to visiting Mayo's lately, how is everyone? How are you?

OH, and how was LEATHERMOUTH!?! You have no idea how jealous I am that you, Fimmy, and the Princess got to go!! ^_^ I bet you had fun!!

- 007

Anonymous said...

Hey. :)

Just wanted to pop by and check on you. I know all too well, as you yourself know, exactly how you feel.

If you want to talk, you know where to find me.

MissTottenham said...

I hope that your ears have recovered sweetie. And I hope that you had the bestest time.

I am sooooo happy for you. Did you love it, did you, did you? Fuck yeah.

Anonymous said...

Since you can get YouTube now, you have listen to the lyrics, they are amazing.

Reminded me of you.

Anonymous said...

Aw, fank you for being there. It's always nice to have one or more persons in your corner when shit goes down (absolutely no pun intended) or when it gets hard or even when it's good. :)

You're welcome for the song. I was like, "Damn." And yeah, that's pretty much all I said, 'cause I understood in a way. Anyhoo, I'm glad you enjoyed.

Talk to you later, okay?

Anonymous said...


And I totally didn't see the time! That's creepy as hell that we do that. *shivers*

anima said...

Solly my love, I miss you sooooo fucking much. So when are you going to send me pictures from the Leathermouth/Reggie show?! I wanna see!!!! I tried to catch up the other day and I read your reviews. Sounds like you guys had a blast. (Well despite the hurricane bs!) I am so happy you all had so much fun. It's amazing to meet other bloggers isn't it?!!! Total instant friendship. Unbelievably cool!

I hope all is good with you. I miss you and think of you bunches. Hope you can message me some photos!

Take care sweetie, hope to see you all around BB soon.

Anonymous said...

*gives you soup*

*and a blanket*

*and some pudding*

I'm sorry you're not feeling well. :( I hope you get better soon, or you might have to go to the doctor. O_O

Doctor vs. Get Better


resurrected wreck said...

Yep, green, Solly! ^_^

resurrected wreck said...

I iz sorry if it hurts your eyes!