Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Jappy New Year!


Carrie said...

Happy New Year!!! This one's gonna be a keeper, I know. I'm glad you like my blog, sometimes I feel like such a big dork putting up my weirdo life out there. I'm glad you comment, my own dang family from VA hardly does!!

resurrected wreck said...

Happy New Year, Solly!! ^_^

farawaysoclose said...

Happy New Year little solly!

hope it really is a fantastic one for you my friend!

MissTottenham said...

I wuv you solly sweetie. That glowstick is truly making me tear up. Happy New Year sweetie xxxxx

gnothi seauton said...

Happy New Year Solly!

Jennicula said...

Jappy New Jear!


It's ok to be quiet. Sometimes life is like that and then *poof* it gets loud again!