Friday, April 24, 2009

a bout and about

my box of 72 colored pencils and book full of empty pages

sour kisses and sour cherries

llamas that eat hands

a bulldog named beefy (tomorrow it will be meaty)

my new quilt

90 degrees


improv (making this shit up as i stumble along)

baby ruthless aka his newest muse

the color blue

figuring it all out

realizing i was wrong

realizing i was wrong about being wrong

realizing i was right

realizing i forgot what it was that i was right about being wrong about

pink lemonade

butter crunch

silly dreams


dirt roads

laughing at (everything)


dirty girls


New Again


people who hate spoons

t-shirts (I'm bored of cheap and cheerful)

starfish, snowmen, and bridges


sunsets (early ones and the ones for muggings)

writing my own songs

singing them to nobody but myself

and then, forgetting the words

going places

getting lost on purpose

writing crap poetry on the slight offchance that someone might not find it so crappy


arguing with myself and knowing that one of us will always end up winning
or losing

double knots

double dares

flip flops and messy hair

the smell of a suntan

having no a/c and riding with my hand dangling out the window

wondering why

wondering how

wondering who

wondering where

wondering when

wondering what (the fuck)


switching gears

changing lanes

crossword puzzles at 4:30

the time (right before and right after and every second in between)

blinking and almost missing it all

catching my breath

twirling my hair

being scared shitless but doing it anway

knowing (or hoping) that i'll be cool to my nephew for at least another 2 years

trying not to take anyone or anything for granted

learning (always)

having the best of times at the worst of times with the best(est) of friends

(new, clean, clear, huge, wide open, dark, vast) space(s) (travel, cadets, man)

lists within lists within lists


imaginary real life

daydreaming at night and sleepwalking during the day

clearing up misconceptions and clutter

using the same styrofoam cup until it leaks (or at least until i think the mold is going to kill me)

scoring concert tickets

jack (white, daniels)

striking the match

watching it burn

throwing gasoline on the fire

stopping dropping and rolling before it consumes me (just in time)

drifting off to sleep while sitting here


standing my ground (in quicksand)

choking on my own words

hacking them up to form a mess that (sort of, kind of, almost) resembles a blog


Jennicula said...


You gave me chills. Sometimes I wonder if you've been traipsing around in my head because you're so spot on.

I'd pick my favorite part but I can't.

I love it all.

Anonymous said...

Damn, you know how to spin words till they don't know which way is up.


Thank you so much.

Sorry for the brevity. Much to tell you. But it is waaayyy past my bedtime.

How goes it down south?

Jennicula said...

I'll take you on a journey to my favorite places any time you want.

Just pack a bag and off we go.

MissTottenham said...

LOL solly, I'm still wondering how I did it. Maybe I was tryig to do my best superman impression. If we'd got it on tape I'd have sent it in to "you've been framed" for the £250. Such a shame hahahaha!

PS, you iz mad and crazy but I love you that way.


Anonymous said...


I loathe bureaucracy.

What's up with you, sweetums?

Lea said...

Hey! I just wanted to stop by here and thank you for checking out the post I did for Carrie. Glad you liked it. :)

JocelynHolly said...

Paperheart misses her Solly. =(



farawaysoclose said...

hey solly dick!

just passing by.

you are one clever little one! i am jealous of your use of words.

sunsets (early ones and the ones for muggings),

my fave! two of my fave songs ever!

♥ a plenty!

farawaysoclose said...

hmm that should have read...

♥'s a-fucking plenty!!

Anonymous said...

Wandering about instead of sleeping.

Saw the porch doesn't have comments anymore. Decided to stop here and say hi to you and your sister.

What's in your plans this summer?

Jennicula said...

improv (making this shit up as i stumble along)

I come by every so often and find a new fav. This week it's this line.

farawaysoclose said...

solly! i miss you!

anima said...

Hiya Solly!

I miss you so fucking much. Just sayin'.

Sending you lots of love...

And a hug too. :)

farawaysoclose said...

hey solly!

me again.

hope you are doing OK?

Did you understand that fucking bullshit I just spewed? Yeah, probably you did.

yeh, totally did actually!

when is your date to see Brandonian Flowerman? i am jealous.

farawaysoclose said...


farawaysoclose said...

*scratches chin*

erm...can i say the word CUNT around these parts?

oh ahahahahaha, yes i can!

fucking cunt didn't work babe!!! will try again!

hold on...

i think i got it here!

farawaysoclose said...

hells, that's pretty!

take care solly dick!

Jennicula said...

Hey stranger.

Miss you. ♥

Jennicula said...


Good God Girlfriend – it was so nice to see you.

I twist, twirl, pet, pull, and chew on my hair. I’ve done it since I was a child. Mostly when I’m lost in thought. I’ve gotten those awful dreadlocks because I was so wrapped up in something I didn’t even notice I was knotting my hair like that. It was worse when my hair was down to the middle of my back.

Now that it’s shoulder length I only get mid-level knots versus code red ones.